
Dairy Free

  There are many alternatives to cow's milk for those that are allergic or lactose intolerant. I have tried soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and rice milk. Since Rice Dream Rice Drink is my favorite, that is what my recipes will call for. You can substitute 1:1 with any of these other drinks that I listed. These are quite a bit more expensive than cow's milk, so I have come up with a recipe to make my own rice milk. I use homemade rice milk in all my baking and mix it about half and half with Rice Dream for drinking or on cereal. You can use brown rice, (it's more healthy) but I don't care for the taste other than in baking. 
  Here is my recipe:

Rice Milk
1 cup cooked white rice
6 cups water
about 2 tablespoons honey, sugar, or other sweetener 
Mix the rice and 2 cups water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil, watching carefully, (mine always either tries to boil over or stop boiling altogether) for 20 minutes. Stir in honey until dissolved; cool. 
 Blend in blender on "liquify" setting for about a minute and a half or until blended.  Add 2 cups water and blend again. At this point, if there is any grainy sludge, strain through a fine sieve. (Brown rice will have a lot of this, but white rice shouldn't.) Add 2 more cups water, stir and pour into glass quart jars. Store in refrigerator.   

Makes 2 quarts and keeps for about 2 weeks. 

1 comment:

Lydia said...

That is one thing you can't do with milk, make your own! I'm so happy you like the cookbook, it looked like something you would need.